How is Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) calculated?
The Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) is calculated by the Market Support Services Licensee, SP Services Ltd in accordance with the methodology approved by the regulator, the Energy Market Authority of Singapore. To learn more, visit our page here.
What is Use of System Charge (UOS)?
The Use-of-System charges, which is payable to SP Group, is to recover the cost of transporting electricity through the national power grid. Please note that the charges differ according to the voltage at which a consumer receives the electricity supply. To learn more, visit our page here.
Common Energy Terms
AFP Charge
This is the charge for the recovery of the cost incurred for the procurement of Regulation. Regulation is energy needed to fine-tune between the generation and consumption of electricity on a half-hourly basis.
The right to choose among electricity retailers for electricity purchase.
Contestable Consumer
Consumer who has the right to choose how and whom they want to buy electricity from.
EMC Admin Charge
EMC (Energy Market Company) operates the wholesale electricity market. EMC runs the electricity pool and manages the energy settlement processes. This is a usage-based charge calculated using loss adjusted data.
Energy Audit
A programme whereby an energy auditor or energy auditing company inspects a facility or premise to assess the energy use and suggest ways of saving energy.
Energy Market Authority (EMA)
The regulator of the electricity and gas industry in Singapore.
Energy Market Company (EMC)
The company that operates and administers the wholesale electricity market.
Generation Company (Genco)
A company that produces electricity.
A system of interconnected power lines that transport electricity from generators to consumers.
This charge captures any differences between total amounts received from retailers and total amounts paid to generators for energy, reserve and regulation products. While the HEUC is called a charge, it is typically a return to retailers of the revenue arising from the sale of energy to cover transmission losses.
The amount of electrical power required by a consumer.
Market Power
The ability of a seller/buyer, either individually or in collaboration with other sellers/buyers, to influence the price of electricity in the market.
Market Support Services (MSS)
These are services such as the buying of electricity indirectly from the wholesale electricity market for contestable consumers at spot prices, reading meters, managing meter data, administering transfer processes, and providing electricity to non-contestable consumers at regulated tariffs.
Market Support Services (MSS) Charges
Charges to cover the costs of market support services, such as transfer processing fees, meter reading fees, etc.
Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL)
The company that is licensed to provide market support services SP Services Ltd is the MSSL.
This is a usage-based charge computed using loss-adjusted data. This charge is for the recovery of the cost incurred by the System Operator to procure supplementary services from the market to ensure the security and reliability of the electricity system. For example, Black Start Service is procured to re-start the system during a total blackout.
Non-Contestable Consumers
Consumers who are required to buy electricity from the MSSL at regulated tariffs.
Off-Peak Period and Peak Period
Period of time when there is relatively low demand for electricity. Period of time when there is relatively high demand for electricity.
PSO Admin Charge
PSO (Power System Operator) is responsible for the security and reliability of the transmission system. All customers pay a usage-based fee for the provision of this service.
Regulated Tariffs
Electricity prices for non-contestable consumers. Regulated tariffs are approved by the regulator.
The statutory body that regulates the electricity industry in Singapore. The Energy Market Authority is the regulator.
Spot Prices
Prices determined half hourly on the wholesale market depending on demand and supply. Spot prices are not regulated or set by the regulator.
Terms of Contract/Contract Terms
The terms set out in the contract between an electricity retailer and a contestable consumer for the purchase of electricity, such as the contract duration, payment terms, mode of payment and contract termination provision etc.
The process of delivering electricity from generation plants to consumers’ premises over the transmission system.
Transmission Charges
The charges for the use of the transmission system to deliver electricity to consumers’ premises. Transmission charges are regulated by the regulator.
Transmission Licensee
The company that is licensed to own the electricity transmission system and deliver electricity from generation plants to consumers’ premises. SP PowerAssets Ltd (SPPA) is the Transmission Licensee. SP PowerGrid Ltd (SPPG) is the agent appointed by SPPA to maintain and operate the electricity transmission system.
Price paid by consumers for electricity generated and supplied for consumption.
Vesting Contracts
Bilateral contracts between generation companies and MSSL for the production and sale of a specified quantity of electricity at a specified price (known as the “vesting price”). Vesting contracts are imposed by the regulator to curb market power of generation companies.
Vesting Debit/Credit
Reflected in MSSL’s bill to contestable consumers buying electricity from the wholesale market through MSSL. It is the difference between spot prices and vesting price on the demand that is covered by vesting contract.
Wholesale Electricity Market
An electricity market where generation companies compete to sell electricity.
Wholesale Electricity Price (WEP)
When buying electricity directly or indirectly from the National Electricity Market of Singapore (NEMS), one’s electricity price comprises of 6 components with USEP being by far the largest of the 6 components. The other components are the Hourly Energy Uplift Charge (HEUC), the Monthly Energy Uplift Charge (MEUC), the Allocated Regulation Price (AFP), PSO admin fees and EMC admin fees.