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Choosing Geneco

Why is the electricity retail market being deregulated?

The deregulation of the electricity market will encourage and promote competition within the various players in the electricity market and hence, provide competitively priced packages to consumers.

Since 2001, EMA has progressively opened the retail electricity market to competition to allow business consumers more options to manage their energy cost. Instead of buying from SP Group at the regulated tariff, eligible consumers can choose to buy from a retailer at a price plan that best meet their needs, or buy from the wholesale electricity market at the half-hourly wholesale electricity prices. Those who exercise this choice are termed as contestable consumers.

How do I know if my business is eligible to switch from SP Services to Geneco?

With the open electricity market, all businesses are eligible to apply for contestability and switch to a retailer of their choice regardless of consumption. The application process is free of charge.

Click here to view our electricity plans and we will assist with the application for contestability for a switch to Geneco.

What are the choices for contestable consumers?

If you are contestable, you can choose to purchase electricity from one of the following methods:

  • From a Licensed Electricity Retailer (such as Geneco).
  • From the Wholesale Spot Market as a direct market participant.
  • From the Wholesale Spot Market through the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL) (which is currently SP Group).

What are the advantages of buying from Geneco?

With over 49 years of power generation, Geneco is attuned to the changing needs of our customers and has been working hand in hand with businesses to provide them with a wide range of pricing options and energy solutions – enabling them to choose packages that best meet their needs.

Adopting a transparent approach, customers can be assured of excellent service quality coupled with a suite of services that centre around an efficient electricity supply to our customers.

To receive a competitive quotation from us, you may request for a quotation here. Our sales professionals will then contact you and work out a customized energy solution for your business.

Why is MSSL under SP Services Ltd involved in my account switching from SP Group to Geneco?

SP Services Ltd, a member of SP Group, is the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL) providing Market Support Services such as reading of electricity meters, data management and facilitation the transfer of customers from electrical retailers.

Once Geneco has established the transfer, your meter reading data records will be provided to Geneco from SP Services Ltd/MSSL.

Power Eco Add-on

First 7 Months Free Power Eco Add-on Promotion

  • When is the promotion sign-up period? How long is the waiver period?
    The promotion sign-up period is from 1st March 2025 to 31st May 2025, inclusive of both dates. The Power Eco Add-on waiver period lasts for 210 days from the start of your contract or the date when you opt-in or upgrade your Power Eco Add-on, whichever applicable and the full Power Eco Add-on charges will be waived during the waiver period.

  • How do I enjoy the promotion? Is there a promo code I need to enter during sign-up to enjoy the offer?
    No promo code is required. For new customers, simply sign up here. For existing customers, you can opt-in/upgrade via Self-Service Portal during the promotion sign-up period and choose your preferred level of green contribution for Power Eco Add-on.

  • Can I stack this promotion with the other promotions?
    Yes, the First 7 Months Free Power Eco Add-on promotion is stackable with other promotions on our website. Terms and conditions apply.

  • What if I relocate after signing up for this promotion? Can I still enjoy this promotion for my new premises?
    The waiver is valid for your current premises which is tagged to your MSSL number and address. Should you relocate, the waiver will end on the date of termination.

  • What happens if I terminate my contract before the completion of Power Eco Add-on waiver period?
    The promotion will end upon contract termination. Power Eco Add-on charges from the opt-in/upgrade date till termination will be waived as applicable. Do note that early termination fees for your contract may apply accordingly.

  • What happens if my contract balance is less than 7 months?
    If you opt-in or upgrade Power Eco Add-on during the promotion sign-up period and your contract is less than 7 months, the promotion will end upon contract expiry unless your contract with Power Eco Add-on is renewed.

  • What happens after the First 7 Months Free Power Eco Add-On promotion?
    After the end of your waiver period, Power Eco Add-on charges shall be in accordance to the following:
    CC/REC Add-on Percentage
    25% 50% 75% 100%
    CC Add-on Fee (¢/kWh) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
    REC Add-on Fee (¢/kWh) (inc. GST) 0.27 0.55 0.82 1.09

What are Carbon Credits (CCs)?

Carbon Credits (CCs) represent a reduction or removal of carbon dioxide equivalent of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) achieved by various projects around the world, which comply with and are registered under internationally recognised standards, such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

You may find out more here.

What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) represent units of electricity generated from renewable energy generation facilities. These facilities comply with and are registered under internationally recognised standards, such as the I-REC standard, and are eligible to be issued RECs for every unit of electricity generated.

You may find out more here.

What is the difference between Carbon Credits (CCs) and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?

Both CCs and RECs represent the positive impacts on the environment that can help mitigate GHG emissions. CCs represent the metric tonnes of emissions that have been avoided or reduced, while RECs represent attributes of the megawatt hours of renewable energy generation. You can read our blogs and find out more about the difference between Carbon Credits and Renewable Energy Certificates.

Where are the Carbon Credits (CCs) and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from?

Geneco works with a network of partners to source for CCs and RECs from projects in India, China, and Southeast Asia.

I would like to reduce my carbon footprint; how should I go about signing up for Power Eco Add-on?

Kick-start your eco-journey in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Choose an electricity plan (12/ 24/ 36 months)
Step 2: Select Carbon Credits (CCs) OR Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Step 3: Choose your level of green contribution (25% / 50% / 75% / 100%)

How would signing up for Power Eco Add-On help me reduce my carbon footprint?

After you sign up for Power Eco Add-On, Geneco will acquire CCs/RECs on your behalf on an annual basis to abate, partially or in full, the carbon emissions generated from your electricity consumption.

The number of CCs/RECs to be acquired and retired on your behalf will be determined by Geneco based on your electricity consumption during a calendar year and your chosen level of green contribution.

After Geneco retires the CCs/RECs acquired on your behalf, Geneco will send a softcopy of the Carbon Abatement Certificate or Renewable Energy Certificate via email, which will state the number of CCs/RECs retired on your behalf in respect of a calendar year.

When will I receive my Carbon Abatement Certificate or Renewable Energy Certificate?

You will receive the soft copy certificate within 120 calendar days after the commencement of the next calendar year.

I have an existing active Electricity Retail Contract with Geneco, can I still sign up for Power Eco Add-on?

If you are not on any Power Eco Add-on for your existing Biz Fixed 12/ Biz Fixed 24 / Biz Fixed 36 active contract, you may opt for either CCs or RECs and choose your level of green contribution (25% / 50% / 75% / 100%).

If you are already on Power Eco Add-on for your existing active contract, you may choose to upgrade your level of green contribution.

You may opt for Power Eco Add-on or upgrade via the Power Eco Add-on tab in the Self-Service Portal.

Why am I not eligible to opt-in/ upgrade for Power Eco Add-on under my existing active Electricity Retail Contract?

This might be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your electricity plan already includes Power Eco 100% Add-on
  • Your existing active Electricity Retail Contract is up for renewal
  • You are under the 30 calendar days grace period for autorenewal
  • You have requested to close/transfer out your account from Geneco
  • Your Electricity Retail Contract has yet to start

Why is CC Add-on a non-taxable charge while REC Add-on is a taxable charge?

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) announced in November 2022 on its website that the issuance, transfer, or sale of Carbon Credits—or the digital representation of such credits—will no longer be treated as a supply of goods or services for Goods and Services Tax (GST) purposes as of 23 November 2022.

Whereas, no statement has been made regarding the treatment of Renewable Energy Certificates, and it will continue to be treated as a supply of goods or services for the purpose of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

How is the amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission determined from my consumption of electricity?

The GHG emission associated with your electricity consumption is determined from multiplying the Electricity Grid Emission Factor (GEF) by the amount of electricity you used. The latest GEF published by the Energy Market Authority is 0.412(kg CO2 / kWh) in 2023.

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Grid Emission Factor 0.421 0.409 0.407 0.409 0.417 0.412
Year Grid Emission Factor
2018 0.421
2019 0.409
2020 0.407
2021 0.409
2022 0.4167
2023 0.412

To learn more about the Electricity Grid Emission Factor, you can find out more here.

Do I need to install a solar PV system at my premises if I choose the Power Eco Add-on (RECs)?

No, the installation of a solar PV system is not required for Power Eco Add-on (RECs). However, if you have unutilised roof space at your premises and are keen to install solar panels to further reduce carbon emission, you can visit our website and submit your interest for a site visit.

Will the Power Eco Add-on affect my electricity supply?

No, your electricity will continue to be supplied from the electricity grid.

Can I change the percentage of CCs or RECs that I get from my Power Eco Add-on or cancel it during my contract?

Once your contract has been activated, you will be able to upgrade your Power Eco Add-on percentage at any time. However, you will not be able to downgrade or cancel it during your contract period.

How are my meter readings recorded after switching to Geneco?

Readings will be done via Advanced meters, also known as smart meters or Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters which allow electricity consumption to be measured at half-hourly intervals.

How do I know if I am charged correctly for my utilities usage?

Meter data is downloaded by MSSL (SP Group). This ensures the highest level of accuracy in your electricity charges.

What should I do if I suspect that my electricity meter is faulty?

You can request for a meter test through SP PowerGrid (SP Group) at 1800 778 8888.

An administrative fee of $80 will be imposed (by SP Group) for each test and this is fully refundable if the meter is found to be faulty.

Are there additional charges for installing a new meter?

For non-contestable Business consumers who would like to gain contestability, you will need to install a new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) electricity meter. The installation charge by SP PowerGrid will be at $40/meter (excl GST).

Can I switch back to SP Group?

You can switch back to buy electricity from SP Group at the regulated tariff. Businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4,000 kWh (monthly electricity bill of $800 or lower) can switch back to buying electricity from SP Group at the regulated tariff.

You may check the eligibility to switch back to buy electricity at regulated tariff here.

Will there be any early termination fees if I did not fulfil my contract?

Yes, early termination fees will be imposed where applicable if the consumer did not fulfil the full term contract.

My contract is expiring. What should I do?

Contact us at contact@geneco.sg or reply to the email that you will receive before your contract expiry. Alternatively, you can choose to review your existing plan by filling up the form here.

What is the procedure for an account closure if I am moving out of my existing premises?

Please submit the account closure form 30 days in advance and we will contact you on the procedure of closure. Alternatively, please contact us at contact@geneco.sg or here.

How will the change in GST rate affect my monthly bill?

From 1 January 2024 onwards, the revised GST rate of 9% will be applied on all chargeable items which include, but not limited to:

  • Published Prices related to Electricity Rates
  • Administrative Charges (such as Account Closure Fee, and more)

Invoices dated on or after 1 January 2024 may contain both an 8% GST charge for your electricity usage before 1 January 2024 and a 9% GST charge for your electricity usage from 1 January 2024 onwards.

How do I pay for my Geneco invoices?

You may choose the payment methods below:

  • One-time payment
  • PayNow via QR code. Please refer to your monthly invoice for the unique QR code.
  • Telegraphic Transfer (TT) / Funds Transfer. You may also transfer the funds to our bank account directly.
  • AXS Station, AXS e-Station or AXS m-Station by selecting Geneco on the payment platform. Kindly note that AXS transaction has a payment limit for each transaction.

Why is Geneco encouraging e-Bill instead of sending paper bills statement?

Geneco strives towards paperless billing for our environment. In line with our commitment towards environmental sustainability, we are going digital and would like to encourage all customers to go paperless. You will be notified of your monthly bill and payment due date via email. You can also login to customer portal to get an overview of your bills and outstanding balance.

If you have not received your log-in details, please contact us at contact@geneco.sg or here.

How do I request for past bills?

You can check the past bills (up to 12 months) via our Geneco Self-Service Portal here. If you require billing history prior to 12 months, please write to us here. Kindly note that there will be a charge of $5.45 (Inclusive of GST) per bill requested.

Who can I contact for assistance on my Geneco account?

If you have any queries regarding your account or wish to make any changes/updates to your account, please contact us at contact@geneco.sg or here.

What is Carbon Tax and how does it impact my Geneco bills?

During the Singapore Budget 2018, it was announced that a carbon tax of S$5 per tonne of carbon emissions will be introduced from 2019 to 2023. In line with these measures, a carbon charge will apply to all commercial customers for every unit of electricity consumed from 1 January 2019 onwards. This initiative aims to encourage both emitters and downstream consumers to be more energy efficient. Click here for more information about carbon tax.