Why you should pay heed to our growing food waste
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Why you should pay heed to our growing food waste

When you were still a little kid, you might have been warned by Mom that unfinished food will cause you and/or your future spouse to develop some unwanted “physical characteristics”.
All grown-up and now a little smarter, we know it to be bollocks, nothing but old wives’ tales to scare us into licking our plates clean.
However, the real consequences of unchecked food wastage are more serious than blemishes on the face.
Local Food Waste Trend Unsavoury
We are all at some point guilty of consciously tossing food into the trash. Whether it is buying a 2kg birthday cake for 5 people, ordering a 5-course dinner to impress a date despite being half-full with kaya toast from tea-time, picking out the carbs to maintain weight goals, or even buying a large variety of dishes from the hawker centre just to taste a little of everything, we are very much capable of trivialising the impact of our wastage.
According to the UN, about 1.3 billion tons of food produced around the world is wasted every year.
In Singapore, food waste generates one of the largest amounts of waste with no downward trend in sight, according to a National Environment Agency report.
Over the past decade, our food waste has risen 30% from 568,000 tons to more than 739,000 tons in 2018, accounting for 20% of total waste generated. Only 16% of all food waste gets recycled.

F&B establishment face increasing pressures to compete, often on portion value
Countering Food Waste
Over the years, community and national partners have sprung into action to turn what was once a man’s trash into another’s treasure.
Since 2014, local supermarket chain NTUC FairPrice created a framework that involves the community and partners to enhance internal processes, educate the public and form waste reduction partnerships.
Some food establishments, such as two food centres in Ang Mo Kio and Tiong Bahru, have designed a food waste recycling system that turns discarded food into compost for gardening.
Some shopping malls, such as Jem and Parkway Parade, have adopted systems that convert food waste into compost using anaerobic biodigesters for landscaping or non-potable water usage.
Other commercial and industrial premises like hotels, schools and municipal buildings have acknowledged the need to respond to food wastage; many of them have now adopted on-site food waste practices and management solutions in a bid to reduce their footprint.
Good Solutions, But No Panacea
When it comes to wastage, while noble solutions can turn the tide, addressing the problem after the waste has been created is no permanent remedy. The issue of overconsumption, not just on food but also other resources such as electricity and clean water, needs to be addressed from the ground up.
We need to step up on educating the public to adopt a zero-waste mindset, be mindful of our resource consumption and maintain a sensible rationing mentality. For this, we have as a collective started to create awareness about sustainable living and draw people into our green camp, beginning with homes, workplaces, schools, and food establishments.
Ultimately, to become an advanced and resource-efficient nation, all hands will need to be on deck – government, businesses and down to the individual consumer – to embark on a concerted effort towards maximising our resources, extending the utility of our excesses and repurposing our wastes.

Converting food waste into compost is one way of repurposing what would have ended up in a landfill
How We Can Do Our Part
At Geneco, we believe combating big issues like wastes, environmental conservation, social responsibility and climate change involves every single man on the ground.
Here are four simple ways you can adopt to make the change and help reduce food wastage:
1. Shop smart and realistically
Simple, but all things start with the basics. When you go grocery shopping, make sure you don’t buy too much food. Think carefully and write a list of what you really need for tonight’s dinner, down to the portions and recipe. Head to the store and buy only what you have written.
2. Don’t over-serve food
Yes, we know you are generous, but serving too much food does no one justice either. If you are unsure how much food to serve, you can try applying recommended diet guidelines into your recipes. Using smaller plates can also help. Over time, you will get better at it.
3. Save and eat leftovers
You do not have to feel shame eating leftover food (not spoilt ones, of course). After all, some ‘leftover’ food like cheeses, yoghurts and even tofu become known as delicacies. Save uneaten dinner for breakfast tomorrow or ‘tapao’ if you eat out. Refrigerate or freeze when appropriate.
4. Try composting, but only as the final measure
Turn your discards into compost! But do this as the final measure, since combating food wastage should start as early up the line as possible, and it is just a neat safety net to keep food away from the bin and do something good with them.
Start your sustainable journey with Geneco’s Get it Green plan today.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
3 Reasons Why Your Electricity Consumption May Seem Higher
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3 Reasons Why Your Electricity Consumption May Seem Higher

The average monthly household electricity consumption of a 4-room public housing unit was 363 kWh in the month of May 2019 (statistics: SP Group). But sometimes, these monthly bills can go up – seemingly for no reason.
Here are 3 reasons why you could be seeing an increase in your electricity consumption.
Reason #1: You are on an estimated bill
Did You Know?
SP Services undertakes all metering services and meter data management in Singapore.
All household and business electrical meters are read by SP Services once every two months. Which means that your meter readings on the alternate months are on an estimated basis.
If your consumption has been under-estimated and therefore under-billed in one month, you may see a higher consumption on your following bill. Or vice-versa if an estimated bill has been over-billed in the previous month.
The Energy Market Authority (EMA) has a video illustration explaining how this happens.
If you would like to avoid this situation, you can submit your meter readings to SP through this methods.
- Online: Open Electricity Market’s E-services page (For first time user, please register for an e-services account)
- App: You can download the “SP Utilities” App and submit your meter readings once you have register for an e-services account.
Or you can use an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Meter. These meters, available at $42.80 (GST Inclusive), allow you to monitor your consumption on a half-hourly basis. Write to us at our contact us page if you would like to have the AMI Meter installed for your household.
Reason #2: Increase usage during school holidays or warmer climate during the billing period
Singapore households tend to use more electricity during certain months of the year
The months of May to July and November to December usually see a surge in household electricity consumption. Do you know why? Two reasons — dry spells and school holidays.
The heat makes people switch on more fans or run air conditioners for much longer. While the holidays may mean TVs, computers and even washing machines running much more frequently, as families relax at home or get more active.
One way to avoid an increase in your electricity bill is to use your electrical appliances more efficiently. Set a timer on your air-conditioner so that it runs long enough to cool down the room. Then use a fan to stay comfortable. Run washing machines only on a full load. Use ovens and microwaves less, and choose more raw foods and salads instead. Both you and your electricity bill will be a lot healthier!
Reason #3: You have a new appliance
Buy appliances with an Energy Label and a high rating of Energy Efficiency to enjoy more cost-savings
Adding a new electrical appliance to your household can also make your electricity bill go up.
Perhaps you bought a bigger capacity washing machine to meet your family’s growing needs? Or a more powerful air conditioner or microwave? Or simply a new, higher-spec TV? It may be just one item, but it can impact your consumption.
Be smart when you buy. Look out for appliances that carry the Energy Label, or a higher Energy Efficiency rating. These give you the performance you need, without adding too many dollars to your bill.
Since you have found out on the reasons on why your electricity bill sometimes is higher than usual, why not read on more for more home energy saving tips?
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
ChangeMakersSG Day - Combating the Buy-And-Throw-Away Culture
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ChangeMakersSG Day – Combating the Buy-And-Throw-Away Culture

Every year, Singapore generates about 60,000 tonnes (that’s 60 million kg) of e-waste – a figure that’s expected to increase with rising affluence and technological advancements. While most of us are chasing after the latest mobile phone models, few are aware that our nation is struggling to manage a growing mountain full of discarded electronic items such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions and mobile phones. The buy-and-throw-away culture is prevalent and is contributing greatly to our concerns with e-waste management.
But why put e-waste in the spotlight? All e-waste contains small amounts of hazardous materials, for instance, heavy metals such as lead found in TVs and ozone-depleting chemicals found in refrigerators. Many people simply throw these items down the chute, or leave them at rubbish bins and bin centres.
What can we do? Many times, these items just need a little fix and they will work as good as before. Instead of buying a brand new appliance to replace what you thought was broken, a group of ‘Repair Coaches’ at Repair Kopitiam are trained to help Singaporeans with repair of all kinds of faulty products like electrical appliances and household items. They believe that a sustainable future lies in reducing such e-waste through repairing one appliance at a time.
Together with Repair Kopitiam, Geneco aims to reduce e-waste by encouraging the community to consider if an appliance can be repaired before it is discarded, and also inspiring and imparting skills onto fellow Singaporeans as the nation strives to meet the goal of Zero Waste.
On the first week of May 2019, Geneco and Repair Kopitiam put together a repair skill workshop to share some simple repair tricks with families – sew your name, solder a circuit board, use an electric drill, upholstery, assembling appliance and continuity testing.

Under the supervision of Repair Kopitiam’s Repair Coaches, even the little ones are given the opportunity to try seemingly technical tasks such as soldering or continuity testing!

The event saw about 200 adults and children across 3 days. Each one of them had a chance to pick up a new skill and make something on their own using recycled materials. For instance, they learned how to use a sewing machine to sew their name on a recycled piece of cloth and made it into a wristband.

You are never too small to make a difference! Making the world a greener place starts today. If we can start thinking about how we can repair a broken item before throwing it away, we can all help in reducing tonnes of e-waste in Singapore.

Start your sustainable journey with us today by choosing Geneco’s Get Sunny plan.
Geneco and SEAS joined hands for a sustainable energy forum
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Geneco and SEAS joined hands for a sustainable energy forum

The future of sustainable energy in Singapore
Singapore, 15 May 2019 – According to the expert panel who spoke at a recent clean energy forum, the future of sustainable energy in Singapore is positive. The nation is embarking on intensive research and development to increase the contribution of renewable energy in its energy mix.
Geneco, one of Singapore’s leading electricity retailer, partnered with the Sustainable Energy association of Singapore (SEAS), a non-profit business association that represents the interests of companies in the sustainable energy sector, to host a sustainability forum on 26 April 2019.
The three-hour forum was targeted at carbon space experts, business owners and energy managers. Industry experts were brought in to share about how global climate action translates into direct cost impacts on business in Singapore and how companies can transit to a low-carbon business model.
One of the speaker, Mr Vinod Kesava, the co-founder and chief executive officer of the Climate Resources Exchange (CRX), shared about the untapped potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. He also shared the successes in the integration of renewable energy with environmental attributes from carbon credits and renewable energy certificates.
At one of the talks during the forum, Ms Pooja Bansal, a YTL-SV Carbon senior consultant specialising in energy and environment management, delved deeper into the renewable energy certificates and carbon credits verification process and provided practical tips to identify credible certificated and credits available in the market that can be used by companies for their respective environmental attributes.
Read full article here.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
ChangeMakersSG Day - Children as the Center of our Sustainability Goals
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ChangeMakersSG Day – Children as the Center of our Sustainability Goals

Climate change is real. The earth is warming, the ice is melting and the sea levels are rising. All over the globe, we are experiencing the effects of climate change in one way or another. The need for greater sustainability becomes more apparent globally, so does the importance embedding sustainability in our children’s education.
Since inception in 2014, Cultivate Central has placed working with children in the center of what they do. They are passionate about creating food gardens that would become learning gardens. A place designed to connect children with nature where they construct knowledge, explore values and develop an appreciation of the environment and its relationship to their worlds. After all, children are our future. And a sustainable future starts with the imparting the right knowledge to our future generation.
This is why Geneco supports Cultivate Central. Together, we aim to inspire children to pick up sustainable living habits through fun and simple activities such growing food in small urban spaces.
During the recent March school holidays, Geneco and Cultivate Central put together a series of workshops and hands-on activities at Bedok Mall to bring children closer to nature.
Existing Geneco customers were invited to an exclusive Microgreens Workshop for children. Through a 1-hour session, they get to learn everything about growing, caring, harvesting, and finally, preparing these microgreens for consumption. Looking at their journal drawings, you’ll be amazed by how much they have learnt within a short hour. Growing greens seem much easier than we thought.

From mixing the soil, scattering the seeds to watering and caring for them, they get their hands dirty just to prepare their very own set of microgreens such Kang Kong, Broccoli, Red Beets, Sunflower, and Red Radish to bring home.

There were also other hands-on activities for all those who didn’t manage to join us at the microgreens workshop. For instance, they got up close and personal with one of the most important friends in our gardens – worms!

You are never too small to make a difference! Making the world a greener place starts today. If we can all nurture and inspire our next generation to live more sustainably, imagine what our future could be.

Start your sustainable journey with us today by choosing Geneco’s Get it Green plan.
ChangeMakersSG Day - Supporting Healthy, Locally Produced Food
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ChangeMakersSG Day – Supporting Healthy, Locally Produced Food

Singapore, a little red dot with limited farming land, it is no doubt that many of the food we are filling our stomachs with are imported. To be specific, we import over 90% of the food we consume. Thinking about it, importing such a staggering amount of food would definitely take a toll on our environment – be it from the amount of electricity required to move the produce or the carbon footprint we leave when importing these goods.
As a sustainable urban agriculture business, Comcrop aims to connect communities to healthy, locally produced food. They believe this is the key to create resilient, local ecosystems that produce fresh, flavorful food in a sustainable city. And that is why Geneco supports Comcrop. By choosing fresh, locally grown produce, you will not only be enjoying healthier, more nutritious food, you will also be reducing your carbon footprint.
On 2nd March, Geneco and Comcrop organised a Farm-to-Table Popiah Making Party exclusively for Geneco’s existing customers to experience first-hand with urban farming and making Popiah with fresh lettuce straight from the farm.
Through a 10 minutes tour of Comcrop’s rooftop greenhouse, our customers were able to see exactly how food is grown and learn about the process urban agriculture.
Then came the highlight of the party, the Popiah making. All vegetables used for the Popiah were farmed and produced by Comcrop, meaning that all vegetables consumed that night was sustainable and had less impact on the environment from transporting food long distances, and reduced food wastage along the way. Not only were our participants able to see the crops, they were able to taste the delicious, fresh, flavorful produce grown from the greenhouse they had just visited. Grown without pesticides or herbicides, Comcrop’s methods greatly reduce the amount of water, land and chemicals that would be used in producing the same amount of produce conventionally.

That night, all the participants went home with a full stomach and an even fuller heart. Going green has always been in the talks, and the need to save the planet has only gotten greater. It’s 2019, and it’s the year of Climate Action for Singapore, play your part and if everyone were a little conscious of their decisions, we would be able to create a very sustainable future for all.

Start your sustainable journey with us today by choosing Geneco’s Get it Green plan.
HSBC donates 24,267 hours of electrical power to Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore via Geneco
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HSBC donates 24,267 hours of electrical power to Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore via Geneco

HSBC’s donation, via retail electricity provider Geneco, will power the Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore’s facility for 33 months
Singapore, 8 March 2019 – HSBC today has donated 24,267 hours of electricity to the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) of Singapore, a globally recognised facility which provides equine-assisted therapy (also known as hippotherapy) free of charge to children and adults with physical and mental disabilities.The donation is part of the Swing for Power initiative for this year’s HSBC Women’s World Championship (HWWC), and made in conjunction with International Women’s Day. HSBC will sponsor 24,267 hours of electricity via Geneco, one of the leading retail electricity providers in the nation’s Open Electricity Market (OEM).
Swing for Power
How powerful is a golf swing? Enough to power the community. Through collective golf swings, HSBC harnessed the power of the public for a good cause – Each golf swing from the HSBC Swing for Power initiative would help provide electricity to support the local community in Singapore.
Since 8 February 2019, five Swing for Power roadshows were set up across Singapore’s high human traffic areas – Plaza Singapura, West Mall, Century Square, VivoCity, and Ang Mo Kio Hub. A Swing for Power booth was also made available during the HWWC 2019 at Sentosa Golf Club from 28 February to 3 March 2019. For every golf swing made at the roadshows, interactive bus shelters and through the online game, HSBC contributed 3 hours of electricity to power facilities at RDA. The contribution was made via Geneco, RDA’s electricity provider. A total of 8,089 people participated in the Swing for Power initiative, harnessing 24,267 hours of electricity, which will power the RDA facility for 33 months.
With every swing, participants could take a picture of a screen with the number of hours of power they helped to generate. Participants were also given HSBC merchandise as a token of appreciation for their contribution.
“At HSBC, we’re always looking for ways to give back to our local communities. This year, we decided to harness the collective power of the people to support the amazing work that RDA is doing for those in need,” said Tony Cripps, Group General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Singapore. “The success of the Swing for Power initiative was achieved by mobilising the public for the common good. We are heartened by the results from this initiative and we hope that the contribution will benefit more Singaporeans with disabilities.”
“We would like to thank HSBC for their generous contribution. The donation will enable us to further our cause, transform the minds, bodies and lives of those with disabilities through equine assisted activities,” said Choy Weng Leong, Executive Director of RDA Singapore.
Geneco helps RDA power the change
Commenting on the partnership, Low Boon Tong, Executive Vice President, Retail, Geneco by YTL PowerSeraya, said, “We strongly believe in powering the change for our community, not just through providing electricity, but further catalysing the good work that is already underway. We’re proud to partner with HSBC, and to provide 24,267 hours of electricity for RDA, to whom we have been retailing electricity for the past few years. By ensuring that their electricity needs are taken care of, they will have more resources to invoke positive change for their community.”
World-class golfer Pernilla Lindberg at RDA
On 26 February 2019, major winner and one of the world’s top 50 female golfers, Pernilla Lindberg of Sweden swapped the golf course for the riding paddock as she visited the RDA as a special guest to observe a daily therapy session to raise awareness for HSBC’s Swing for Power initiative. Lindberg, the reigning ANA Inspiration champion, was given a guided tour of the stables and riding centre and witnessed at first-hand the commendable work being delivered by the association each and every day.
The three-hour forum was targeted at carbon space experts, business owners and energy managers. Industry experts were brought in to share about how global climate action translates into direct cost impacts on business in Singapore and how companies can transit to a low-carbon business model.
One of the speaker, Mr Vinod Kesava, the co-founder and chief executive officer of the Climate Resources Exchange (CRX), shared about the untapped potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. He also shared the successes in the integration of renewable energy with environmental attributes from carbon credits and renewable energy certificates.
At one of the talks during the forum, Ms Pooja Bansal, a YTL-SV Carbon senior consultant specialising in energy and environment management, delved deeper into the renewable energy certificates and carbon credits verification process and provided practical tips to identify credible certificated and credits available in the market that can be used by companies for their respective environmental attributes.
Read full article here.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
Top 10 Home Energy Saving Tips To Keep Electricity Bills Low
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Top 10 Home Energy Saving Tips To Keep Electricity Bills Low

On average, household expenses in Singapore can make up at least 14.5% on your monthly spending. This would mean that an average 5 room flat in Singapore would be raking up $1,000 in electricity bills per year. Such high spending on electricity bills can be avoided as long as we make a conscious effort on our electrical consumption habits.
Saving on electricity bills can be easy especially when these savings can be used for the finer things in life. What do you do to save money on your electricity bills?
Here are Geneco’s 10 tips on how to avoid sky high electricity bills.
Tip #1: Doing your laundry smart
Many believe that doing our laundry in hot water can result in cleaner clothes. However, it could make stubborn stains like coffee stains permanent. Additionally, nearly 90% of the energy consumption of a washing machine goes to heating the water. The next time you do your laundry; do consider switching your washing machine settings to cold water instead.

Tip #2: Iron it Out
Start your ironing with clothes that require lesser heat such as silk and wool before moving on to fabrics that require more heat such as cotton. This would prevent unnecessary heating, cooling and re-heating again which would consume more electricity.

Tip #3: Light more for less
If you haven’t switched the lights in your house to light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs), now is the time. They use 85% less electricity than incandescent bulbs and last 25 times longer. Under NEA’s Switch and Save – Use LED (SSUL) programme, $25 vouchers for LED lights have already been sent to some 80,000 households living in one-room and two-room HDB flats. NEA will extend the programme to three-room HDB households as well. Light up your house with LED lights and save so much more on your electricity today. Read more about our tips on buying household appliances.
Tip #4: Run your refrigerator for less
Hiding in the corner of all our kitchen is our trusty refrigerator. They are always overlooked when it comes to being more environmentally friendly, however, refrigerators are in fact, are one of the household electrical appliances that consumes the most electricity. Constant opening and closing of the fridge wastes an enormous amount of energy, and can cause dust to build up. The more dust we have on the refrigerator coils, the more energy is required to cool the refrigerator, driving the power bill up.

Tip #5: Bye Bye to standby
75% of the electrical use by home electronics occurs when they’re on standby. These “energy vampires” suck electricity all day long—costing you an extra $100 each year. So if you’d like to avoid burning a hole in your pocket, unplug your electronics or plug them into a power strip, then turn off the strip.
Tip #6: Use the right ring for the right thing
If your cooker has a small ring, use a small pan. You might only be heating up a small meal, and doing so in a big pan wastes a lot of energy. Conversely if you try and heat a large pan on the small ring you’re more likely to end up heating for longer than saving any money or energy.

Tip #7: Don’t overpay for the electricity you are using
Choosing a good electricity retailer in the Open Electricity Market can be just as important in getting more savings on your electricity bills. Visit geneco.sg for the most competitive electricity prices that are tailored for you today.

Tip #8: Buying energy efficient appliances
Throwing out a perfectly good appliance won’t save you much money, but when it is time to swap, going for one with a high energy-efficiency rating can be worth the investment. Lookout for the NEA energy label on appliances such as TVs and refrigerators. The more ticks the device has, the less electricity you consume and the more money you save.

Tip #9: Let there be light
Remember to clean your lamps and light fixtures regularly as dust on lamps reduce light transmission. Alternatively, do consider using natural light for your lighting needs instead to save even more on electricity!

Tip #10: Go smart with smart meters
Did you know that you have an option to switch to an AMI meter, or smart meter?
With smart meters, your electricity consumption is measured real-time and remotely read at half-hourly intervals. By monitoring your electricity consumption usage, you will be able to eliminate electricity wastage, thus lowering your bill.
Switch Over to Geneco Today.
You have the power to make a change with Geneco, a top electricity retailer with 48 years of experience.
Geneco is one of Singapore’s top electricity retailer, belonging to a global network of energy and utility companies known as YTL Power International, which is a subsidiary of the YTL Group. Geneco’s parent company YTL PowerSeraya is also one of Singapore’s first and largest electricity generators, with a licensed generating capacity of 3,100 MW. By switching over to Geneco, you will be able to enjoy 30% savings on your electricity bills, measured against the regulated tariff. Look for our most savings plan, Get It Fixed 24 at a fixed rate of 17.98¢ per kWh, (as of 1 March 2020). With over 48 years of experience in the energy business, you could say that we know a thing or two about power.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
3 Tips You Need To Know When Buying Energy-Saving Household Appliances
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3 Tips You Need To Know When Buying Energy-Saving Household Appliances

The average monthly household electricity consumption of a 4-room public housing unit was 372.9 kWh in 2017 (statistics: Energy Market Authority) While the consumption is lower than that of the same 4-room HDB unit in 2015 at 387 kWh, there are many ways you can save big on your energy costs while helping the environment at the same time. Here at Geneco, we share 3 tips to cut back your energy use and reduce your bills.
Tip #1: Changing out your light bulb
Did You Know?
LED bulbs use up to 85% less electricity than incandescent light bulbs to produce the same amount of light, and can last about 20 times longer.
With the adoption of energy-saving applicances such as LED light bulbs by almost every major applicances brand, it may sometimes be easy to overlook the From 2023, all light bulbs sold in Singapore are likely to be as energy efficient as a light emitting diode (LED) bulb. However, buying a simple light bulb is not so simple anymore. As technology has advanced and environmental awareness has increased, energy efficiency has become a big factor for consumers. Choose energy efficient lamps such as LED bulbs over incandescent or halogen lights. Using a 42W incandescent light bulb instead of a 7W LED bulb can save your over $100 per bulb per year*. (image and information source: Straits Time)
Tip #2: Consider the needs of your family and get the appropriate sized fridge
Do you really need such a big refrigerator? Consider this before you make the decision on which refrigerator to buy. When buying a refrigerator, energy efficiency is achieved best when considering freezer placement.
Do you know?
The most energy efficient refrigerator style is a top-mount freezer refrigerator as it uses 10-30% less energy than the same models of side-by-side refrigerators.
Choosing the smallest model refrigerator that meets your needs would save you much more in the long run. Also, leave at least a 1-inch clearance around the unit for adequate airflow.
Before you purchase the fridge, question whether additional features, such as automatic icemakers and through-the-door dispensers are needed as they increase energy use.
Tip #3: Changing your air conditioner
Choose the right cooling capacity is paramount in buying air-conditioners. Oversized air-conditioners would result in wastage of electricity when running it. Likewise, an undersized air-conditioner would be overworked, leading in inefficiency. From 1 January 2008, household air-conditioners and refrigerators that are sold in Singapore must be affixed with an Energy Label under the Environmental Protection and Management Act.
Do you know?
Look out for the energy-saving setting in your air-conditioners. This means once once your room has cooled off, the unit will turn off not only the compressor but also the fan thus conserving energy.
Air-conditioners with more ticks on the energy label are more energy efficient. A 2-tick model will cost you about $270 more in electricity bills a year* as compared to using a 5-tick air-conditioner. You can view the list of air-conditioner models and their energy efficiency ratings at www.nea.gov.sg/els
Here’s a bonus tip!
Keep your household electricity bill low consistently by switching over to Geneco for immediate savings.
In 2017, Energy Market Authority (EMA) rolled out The Open Electricity Market that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. This translates to immediate savings against the regulated tariff. i.e. 25.52 cents per kWh effective from 1 Jan – 31 Mar 2019 (incl. GST), and managing your household finances lower. Visit https://genecoprdz.azurewebsites.net/open-electricity-market/ to find out your eligibility.

You have the power to make a change with Geneco, a top electricity retailer with 48 years of experience.
Geneco is one of Singapore’s top electricity retailer in the Open Electricity Market, belonging to a global network of energy and utility companies known as YTL Power International, which is a subsidiary of the YTL Group. Geneco’s parent company YTL PowerSeraya is also one of Singapore’s first and largest electricity generators, with a licensed generating capacity of 3,100 MW.By switching over to Geneco, you will be able to enjoy savings of over 30% off your electricity bills, measured against the regulated tariff. Look for our most savings plan, Get It Fixed 36 at a fixed rate of 17.98¢ per kWh, (as of 1 July 2019) or with our Get Free Sundays plan, never worry about paying for electricity on Sunday again. With over 48 years of experience in the energy business, you could say that we know a thing or two about power.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project
Singtel partners Geneco to offer electricity plans
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Singtel partners Geneco to offer electricity plans

Households can enjoy electricity bill savings of up to 30%
Singapore, 10 January 2019 – Singtel and Geneco today announced a partnership to offer Geneco electricity plans. Singtel will be reselling these plans through Singtel Power.
Households can choose from a range of electricity plans that offer monthly power bill savings of up to 30% on current regulated tariffs. Customers who switch from their existing provider will experience a seamless transition with no disruption to their electricity supply.
This partnership combines Singtel’s extensive customer reach as Singapore’s leading consumer services provider with Geneco’s experience as a brand of YTL PowerSeraya, the second largest power generation company in Singapore.
“With Singtel Power, we seek to provide greater value, choice and flexibility to Singapore households. We are excited to be a convenient one-stop shop for their power and communications needs. In addition to savings on their power bills, customers can enjoy an attractive discount on their fibre broadband subscription and mobile handset purchase,” said Mr Yuen Kuan Moon, CEO, Consumer Singapore, Singtel.
“At Geneco, we recognise that good energy becomes even better with great partnerships. Working with Singtel, we aim to offer Singaporeans easy access to better energy plans, with the option of value-added services from Singtel. The partnership allows us to tap into Singtel’s extensive customer reach as part of our “Power the Change” vision to build a sustainable energy future for Singapore,” said Mr Yeoh Keong Hann, Executive Director of YTL Power.
Residential customers can choose from three Geneco plans, Get it Fixed 24, Get it Fixed 36 and Get it Less 24, and enjoy exclusive Singtel promotions. For a start, new Singtel Power customers who also sign up or re-contract on a Singtel 1Gbps fibre broadband plan will enjoy 1 month free broadband and a S$80 mobile handset discount.
- Elangovan, N. (2020, June 5) Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste during circuit breaker: Study, Today Online.
Image Credits: Nylon Coffee Roasters
Source: The Sustainability Project